These Auto-Prime pumps are ideal for dewatering and bypass applications. These pumps transport fluids, sludge, and raw sewage containing solids up to 3" in diameter.
Trash pumps are Amco's newest product line and are suitable for solids-laden liquids and slurries.
Amco pumps may be fitted with critically-silenced enclosures and are therefore ideal for use in any application where pumping is required but sound levels must be kept to a minimum.
These Auto-Prime pumps are available in high head/low flow and high flow/low head. The wide range of impeller and inlet/outlet sizes make our pumps suitable for a variety of applications.

Amco's sound enclosure units dampen sounds to 70 dBA at 30ft.
These Auto-Prime pumps are available in high head/low flow and high flow/low head. The wide range of impeller and inlet/outlet sizes make our pumps suitable for a variety of applications.
Trash pumps are Amco's newest product line and are suitable for solids-laden liquids and slurries.